How can your child enhance a relationship with their teacher?

How can your child increase academic achievement?

How can your child become a self-directed learner?

before study smart

43.2% of students
reported having a caring, trusting relationship with their teacher

after study smart

believed their learning plan could help their teachers understand them better as a person

before study smart

41% of students said school is difficult
65% of students have challenges in math, reading or listening comprehension

after study smart

81.4% of STUDENTS
stated they understand better how they learn

before study smart

25% of students reported having a voice and choice in what and how they learn at school

after study smart

83.7% of STUDENTS
stated it was important to express their views and choose strategies that worked for them

What is MINDSpeak?

MINDSpeak is Study Smart’s student-initiated assessment for learning tool that was developed to help students communicate their strengths, needs, interests and learning preferences to their teachers and become more accountable for their learning. It also helps increase student engagement and motivation as students build stronger relationships with their teachers.

The need for Mindspeak was confirmed through evidenced-based research with 100 consultations with educators, students and parents across Canada.