Want to enhance student-teacher relationships?

Want to help students increase academic achievement?

Want to support students to become self-directed learners?

before study smart

43.2% of students
reported having a caring, trusting relationship with their teacher

after study smart

believed their learning plan could help their teachers understand them better as a person

before study smart

41% of students said school is difficult
65% of students have academic challenges in math operations, reading or listening comprehension

after study smart

81.4% of STUDENTS
stated they understand better how they learn

before study smart

25% of students reported having a voice and choice in what and how they learn at school

after study smart

83.7% of STUDENTS
stated it was important to be able to express their views and choose strategies that worked for them

What is MINDSpeak?

MINDSpeak is Study Smart’s student-initiated assessment for learning tool that was developed to help teachers efficiently identify and effectively support the diverse needs of all students in the classroom.

The need for Mindspeak was confirmed through evidenced-based research with 100 consultations with educators, students and parents across Canada.

How does it Work?

MINDSpeak includes 4 key resources

What is a Class Profile?

A class profile is a one page snapshot of profiles for all students in your class. It provides you with a holistic glance of student’s strengths, needs, interests, learning preferences and motivational tendencies to help BUILD STUDENT RELATIONSHIPS.

Set up your Classes
Class Profile and Learning Plans

Start with a snapshot view of entire class

What’s in the MINDSpeak Assessment?

Mindspeak includes three levels of activities. Each level includes a series of short quizzes covering six academic skills (reading fluency, reading comprehension, writing, math operations, oral expression and listening comprehension), and 5 affective and cognitive areas (learning skills, learning preferences, multiple intelligences, motivational tendencies and executive functioning skills).

The estimated time to complete each quiz is approximately 5-10 minutes with an estimated total time for all quizzes of 90 minutes depending on the student’s grade and ability level. 

What is the Learning Plan?

The outcome from the assessment generates a holistic learning plan which is presented to teachers from the voice of the student. It enables the teacher to learn more about the student’s interests, academic and learning strengths and needs, learning preferences, motivational type, goals and strategies that may work best for them.

How are Students Engaged and Motivated?

Intrinsic versus Extrinsic Motivation

MINDSpeak engages students with a gamified experience of short quizzes, videos, puzzles and other activities. Students are initially extrinsically rewarding them for their efforts then trigger instrinsic motivation as students learn more about themselves throughout their journey.

Students earn coins for each activity completed, then select rewards from the SMART shop with these coins.


Some rewards may help make learning easier in the classroom but the redemption of these rewards require teacher approval.

Teachers decide which (if any) of the school related items will be redeemable in their class.

Universal Design for Learning (UDL) for all Students

UDL considers the needs of all learners by embedding lessons with multiple means of engagement, multiple means of representation and multiple means of action and expression (Cast, 2018).  Engagement impacts a student’s motivation to learn by enabling learners to engage with the material in a variety of ways. Representation refers to the way learners perceive and understand material using different means of representation to align with different learning preferences. Action and expression enables learners to express what they know in alternative ways that work best for them. In short, UDL provides a way to consider the needs of all learners by providing students with a choice of how and what they learn.

In addition to UDL, differentiated instruction enables additional opportunities for more students to be successful. It is a process of teaching students of differing abilities in the same class where teachers consider learners’ readiness, interest and learning preferences to adapt various elements of the curriculum (Tomlinson, 2014). Differentiation can occur through one or more of the following ways: “the content of learning (what is being learned); the process of learning (the types of activities); the products of learning (ways learning is demonstrated); or the environment of learning (where learning takes place)” (OME, 2013, p. 17)

Teachers have access to hundreds of UDL strategies that can be used for individual learners or the entire class.