My Learning Plan
.The written expression question has not been completed.
The subjects I enjoy most are
This section has not been completed.
The subjects I enjoy the least are
This section has not been completed.
I understand information better by
This section has not been completed.
I prefer to demonstrate my understanding
This section has not been completed.
what are my academic challenges?
Academic skills that are hard for me are
[spelling type=SH] [spelling type=SP]
The written expression question has not been completed.
The oral expression questions have not been completed.
The reading fluency questions have not been completed.
what motivates me?

what helps me learn?
Learning was easier for me when
This section has not been completed.

what are my learning challenges?
Learning skills most challenging for me are
This section has not been completed.
The oral expression questions have not been completed.

strategies that may help me and my classmates
Select the strategies that may work best for you